April 21st, 2006 at 11:26 pm
A good mail day - my $2 rebate arrived that I thought may have gotten lost in the mail, and $20 in gc's for Barnes & Noble.
So far this month:
1 book (net $5.06)
1 DVD (net=$6.69)
$30 in gift cards
$2 Rite-Aid rebate
Total: $43.75
Other things to track:
AdSense $11.52 and counting...
1 more Rite-Aid rebate
1 Longs rebate
ebookdrop ???
gas vouchers ???
Posted in
$20 Challenge
April 20th, 2006 at 03:16 pm
Thought I'd go through my goals and see how I'm doing.
*Increase 401k contribution by at least 1-2%. haven't done this yet
*Increase ING monthly transfers by $25 (went in and increased by $10 for January) haven't done this yet - 4/21/06 DONE
*Keep dining out expenses under $160/month on average - move any money saved to ING each month keeping the expenses down but haven't been moving money over
*Keep grocery spending under $300/month on average - move any money saved to ING each month haven't come in under $300
*Launch new business by 4/1/06 launched 4/6/06
*Increase tutoring and homeschooling adsense revenues - need more new content and link exchanges work in progress
*Update advertising options at DivaTribe - better bang for the buck for advertisers, steadier revenue stream for DT working on this
Posted in
General Musings
April 20th, 2006 at 12:14 am
I am going to be sore tomorrow...
The grass we attempt to grow out back has not been cut in a very long time. So I decided to get the push mower (only mower we have) and tackle it. Ohhh myyyyy. I am tired. Someday we will have little to no grass and just plants, and I will be a happier camper.
I planted the two bell peppers and basil today. Still need to figure out where to put the watermelon. I also trimmed back some more lavender, this time out back. I love how it smells - that's one clean-up task I don't mind in the slightest.
It's been nice, having such sunny weather. I heard we're due for some rain this weekend, possibly.
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General Musings
April 19th, 2006 at 03:31 am
I sold a DVD today for $7.00 - something else to keep track of for my challenge update at the end of the month. (note to self - postage was $1.35)
I used my Target gift cards today on two things I would have bought anyway, plus a pack of gum. I'll add that $10 to my challenge total.
So far this month:
1 book (net $5.06)
1 DVD (net=$6.69)
$10 in gift cards
AdSense $11.52 and counting...
2 Rite-Aid rebates (I think one may be lost in the mail - was supposedly dated 4/6 but hasn't arrived )
1 Longs rebate
ebookdrop ???
gas vouchers ???
Posted in
$20 Challenge
April 19th, 2006 at 02:19 am
Two of my pochos got mentions in a couple of blogs today:
Text is Reclaimed Cotton Poncho at Modish and Link is http://www.modish.typepad.com/ Reclaimed Cotton Poncho at Modish
Text is Soy Poncho at Great Green Goods and Link is http://greatgreengoods.com/2006/04/18/handmade-poncho-from-tofu-by-products/ Soy Poncho at Great Green Goods
Happy day for me.
Posted in
General Musings
April 17th, 2006 at 09:14 pm
After lots of rain, we've had a few sunny days and it's been great to get outside and do some major clean-up in the gardens. We don't have a front lawn but rather lower maintenance plants like flax, lavender, rosemary, etc. I also have some stock that keeps reseeding itself, and some alstromeria that have finally taken off and will be good candidates for dividing.
There is a lot of weeding to be done, and more pruning, but I got a good bit done today and DH got some done yesterday.
DD and I are going to go to the nursery and see what there is to see. She's wanting some gardening gloves for herself - she used to have pairs and pairs of them (gifts) but outgrew all of them. I want to go look at vegetables and herbs. Seeds are cheaper, and I usually talk myself out of buying plants, but we'll see what happens. I have five tomatoes going already but I'd like to get a few more edible things going.
We came home with four little seedlings: watermelon (have no idea where I'll plant it, but DD wanted to try to grow some), two bell peppers and a basil. Also got some seed packets - more basil, spearmint, green beans, chives and chamomile.
I won't get those in the ground until Wednesday at the earliest, most likely. I have two big pots with trellises in them that worked well last year for snap peas, so I'm hoping they'll be good for the green beans.
I have some rasberries that I'm watching. I see new little plants but haven't seen any of the old canes leafing out yet. You don't get berries until the second year, so I'm hoping the canes will produce.
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General Musings
April 16th, 2006 at 05:02 am
Andrea from InsiderPages.com came through - my Target cards arrived in the mail today. Love good customer service!
So that's something else to add to my challenge when I move money over at the end of the month - $10 in Target gc's.
Still have some rebates outstanding (two from Rite Aid, one from Longs) and I'm waiting to see if the gas vouchers will be approved or not ($20).
On a side note, I qualified to test a new product through one of the surveys I'd filled out, and it arrived today. Neat! I also got some freebies yesterday - Pantene shampoo and conditioner, Olay facial clay mask and some sauce to put on dry dog food. (That last one has me a little bit nervous to try out with my dog - it doesn't take much to throw of his system and make him...er...a little stinky. )
Posted in
$20 Challenge
April 15th, 2006 at 07:14 pm
I bought a month's worth of blog advertising this morning for my boutique, and the owner of the site said she'd like to feature one of my products before the ad runs. Cool! I emailed her back, so we'll see what happens.
Posted in
General Musings
April 15th, 2006 at 04:29 pm
It's April 15th and Earth day today. Saving money, frugality and environmetal awareness can go hand in hand. Reducing consumption, reusing items, recycling, buying used, cutting back on unnecessary driving - all of these are good for the bank account and good for the planet.
I Text is posted a few ideas to explore and Link is http://www.divatribe.com/index.php?option=com_simpleboard&func=view&catid=2&id=2295#2295 posted a few ideas to explore for Earth Day at DivaTribe:
1. walk, ride a bike, use mass transit or carpool
2. clean up a park, beach, lot or street
3. bring your own bags to the store, or decline a bag if you don't need one
4. wash your clothes in cold water, or line dry them
5. air dry your dishes in the dishwasher instead of using the dry cycle
6. set up recycling at home or work for paper, aluminum cans or 1 and 2 plastics
7. find your nearest thrift store or used book store and take some time to explore it
8. buy organic this weekend for produce or milk
9. save gift wrap and tissue paper to be ironed and used again
10. grow something edible in a the ground or in a pot
Have a good Earth Day everyone.
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General Musings
April 14th, 2006 at 11:48 pm
DD has a "fairy cooking" cookbook and is itching to make something from it. Almost everything she's picked out has at least one ingredient that I don't already have here at home. I told her we could make one thing and that I'd take her to the grocery store to buy what we're missing. She wants to try the fudge that calls for pink marshmallows. Not what I'd pick, but then I'm not a 6 year old girl. 
We've got eggs boiling right now, to dye either later tonight or tomorrow. We're going to a potluck birhday party tomorrow night - Mexican food is the theme. I have plenty of beans and cheese on hand, as well as tortillas, so I ought to be able to come up with something.
Sunday we're having bunch with DH's parents, sister and her two (grown) kids. Ought to be a nice meal.
Not much to report in the realm of tutoring, teaching or work. As for the $20 challenge, I have about $12.50 outstanding in rebates and $30 outstanding in gift cards. If the gas vouchers come through, that will be another $20, but I'm not counting on that. AdSense is at about $11 so far this month.
Posted in
General Musings
April 14th, 2006 at 03:45 pm
Total to add to challenge: $5.06
It's nice when the shipping reimbursement is more than the actual shipping - helps make up for the commission.
I tried to order two books yesterday, used, from B&N.com, and both times I got emails back syaing those books weren't in stock. That isn't right - if the sellers can't supply the book then it shouldn't be listed. And I cna't leave feedback about it either. It isn't a huge deal, but it's bothersome.
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$20 Challenge,
General Musings
April 13th, 2006 at 10:38 pm
Yep. Paid taxes today plus a quarterly estimate - that all came out to about $4800. A few other bills and errands and there you go. A $5000 day.
flash is adding me to the Pacific coupon train. I've never done one of these before - hope it works out well.
Posted in
General Musings
April 13th, 2006 at 12:32 am
The four $10 vouchers from AutoAdvantage arrived today. Now the question is this - can I use them even though I cancelled the membership? I'll give it a try.
If it works out and I get money back, I'll add it to my challenge account.
Still waiting on $20 in Barnes & Noble gift cards, but it hasn't been that long since I signed up for that membership.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
April 12th, 2006 at 06:33 pm
After seeing Kashi's two kitties, I thought I'd post a picture of my other cat. We adopted her from a shelter in 1996, and she was anywhere from 2-4 years old at the time. She is as sweet as can be.
This picture is actually about 5 years old.
Posted in
April 12th, 2006 at 04:47 pm
I emailed ebookdrop this morning, trying to see what's going on now that it's been about two months since I shipped them my small box of books. I doubt I'll even hear back, but it's a step in the right direction.
I checked on my insiderpages.com email, to see when I'd sent in my reviews. It hasn't been 6 weeks yet (but it's close) and they say their turnaround time is 4-6 weeks. I'll give them another few days and then follow up on that - I submitted enough reviews to qualify for 2 Target gift cards, $10 each.
I'm heading to the post office today to mail out the book that sold. I also need to buy new cat food for our kitty that's been sick. Crystals in his urine - not a good thing. So we're switching to Hill's c/d wet food, and I need to pick some up today.
Feeling completely overwhelmed by stress these days. Just not dealing with it very well.
note for challenge: 1.59 for postage today
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$20 Challenge,
General Musings
April 11th, 2006 at 07:12 pm
I sold a book for $5 at half.com today. That will go into my challenge total at the end of the month. I haven't sold any books in a while, so it was nice to get the message from half.com in my email today.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
April 10th, 2006 at 10:55 pm
I'm worried our male kitty has a UTI or blockage, so we're off to the animal hospital this afternoon. Wish him luck. 
UPDATE: We are back and our kitty is home with us. Thankfully there is no blockage. He's got an antibitotic that ought to take care of things. I had a cat when I was a little girl that died from a urinary tract blockage, and that was what was worrying me here.
Posted in
General Musings,
April 10th, 2006 at 07:00 pm
I'm irritated with my current reward card. I am a smart person, and even after I felt like I'd read the fine print and done my research, the rewards I redeemed points for are not working out. Hotel and car - neither one is doing me much good.
When I cancel this card (Elite Rewards from MBNA), I'll write a letter and incude in it my frustration and disappointment with their program. I hate the feeling of being duped.
I'll cancel this one next month and look into signing up for the Citi cashback card that has been discussed in the forums.
Posted in
General Musings
April 7th, 2006 at 10:50 pm
Today's been a fun day. Spent $65 to renew our zoo membership while we were there, and then went to the natural history museum as well (our pass is still good there until late summer). DD made a list of some of her favorite animals and drew a little sketch of one of the bald eagles. Spent $1.50 on a churro.
Dinner tonight will be Thai food. We have a frozen Thai mix from Trader Joe's, and I'm going to try a recipe for peanut dipping sauce I found yesterday while flipping through Real Simple in the ballet waiting area. I'll make some grilled or baked tofu to go with it, and maybe some roasted bell pepper, too. Add some rice and it should be good. DH ought to like it - he's a big fan of Thai food.
Tomorrow night we're being treated to dinner at a place we enjoy. Ought to be a good time!
My $2 rebate check was mailed out yesterday, according to Rite Aid's web site. That will go to my challenge total once I get it.
Posted in
Saving Money on Food,
General Musings
April 7th, 2006 at 04:26 pm
I'm not normally one for drama and ranting, but the other day I really just needed to get some things off my chest I think. I appreciate the supportive comments - thank you. 
Back to bland and boring entries that are more for my benefit than anyone else's.
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General Musings
April 6th, 2006 at 01:03 am
We have few frills in our budget. To live just on one income is so hard. The only reason we have any wiggle room is from the parttime jobs DH and I do. It isn't about having more "stuff" as mentioned in another blog. That offends me.
Big expense: DD's schooling. If the public schools were the kind of place I wanted my child spending six hours a day, I'd have her there. But they're not, unfortunately. I've seen them from the inside (former teacher); I have friends still teaching; I talk to parents of DD's friends who are in these schools. No thank you.
We don't even buy new cars every 5-6 years, let alone every 3-4 or 1-2. Our one vacation this year, a real getaway for rest and recreation, will have been 2 days of skiing. That's it.
The clothes we buy are returns that can't be resold, or samples. They're new, but not really. Or we buy from thrift stores.
My Starbucks habit has been on gift cards this year, thanks to Christmas and my birthday among other things.
I can't remember the last time I had my hair cut, even at a supercuts. Forget about an actual salon. I've had my nails done twice since my daughter was born, and this last time was from a gift certificate for my birthday.
We don't have cable, or a dish. I think we've been a movie theater two or three times in the last two years.
When we improve our house, we do it ourselves. No contractors, no landscape architects, no painters. I sew curtains and seat cushion covers.
We buy organic, for our own health and because we think it's the right thing to do, environmentally. We also don't eat fast food, both for our health and as a statement to the fast food industry.
I wash in cold water and hang dry at least half our clothes.
I could say what DH makes, which I won't, but apparently the vast majority of people here would think we're crazy that we can't live on that and have a very nice life. Trust me - no boats, no timeshares, no new cars. Thank goodness work matches 401k contributions, so we're at least almost saving 10% into the 401k. Almost.
I'm frustrated at how hard things seem right now. Moving anywhere in this area isn't even an option; I think the median home prices for our city (or was it county?) in $600K. There's no way we could get anything - ANYTHING - for less than what our current mortgage is. We'd be incredibly lucky to find something in the very worst part of town for twice what we currently owe.
It's not been a good day. Rant over, for now.
Posted in
General Musings
April 5th, 2006 at 08:24 pm
I have $2 coming from last month's rebate program and about $10.48 for this month's program. They have a rebate on GE compact flourescent light bulbs, if anyone's been wanting to try those out. They also have a Colgate toothbrush and toothpaste that turn out to be free after rebate. I bought only things we'll use and would ned to buy anyway, though I'm always tempted by other things when I'm browsing the aisles. I made a list this time, though, and that helped me stick to rebate items only.
I just looked at my receipt. The lightbulbs were normally 9.99 each, but they're on sale for 4.99 and then there's the rebate on top of that. Great deal! You have to buy two to get the rebate.
So $12.48 in outstanding rebates that can get added to my challenge total when they come in.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
April 3rd, 2006 at 06:51 pm
It occurs to me that I have no plans or goals with regards to my challenge money. I have no set amount I'm aiming to reach, and I have no specific plans for what to do with the money, either. I find myself just kind of squirreling away extra money.
I am having to track down what happened to an online check. My water delivery person can't find my last payment, but my online check cleared 3/24/06. So the question in my mind is who deposited that check, and where did it get applied if not to my account? I'll get it worked out, but I hate having to deal with this type of thing.
I took care of three bills this morning, while I was online. I renewed the car's registration online, in a process that took all of 60 seconds. That is so convenient - and we didn't need a smog check this year, so it was truly a painless process.
I printed out our first quarter's worth of budget ananlysis from Quicken, to gothrough later. I'm curious to see how it looks. Last month was a pretty good one for us, considering we had to buy plane tickets to Chicago and went on our little ski trip. We did well in most areas of our budget.
I will find out Wednesday what my salary will be, and then I can go in and update the budget some more. Actually I'll make a new one and apply it once I actually start earaning a paycheck.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
General Musings
April 1st, 2006 at 09:10 pm
Through Text is mypoints.com and Link is http://www.mypoints.com mypoints.com, I got an offer to sign up for a $1 trial membership that will send out $20 in Barnes and Noble gift cards. The points from this also put me high enough to get my first gift card from mypoints, if I want to. Very nice.  I also ordered printer ink through a mypoints offer, so hopefully the ink will work out with my Epson printer and that will have turned out to be a good deal.
I'll put this entry in the savings category, as $20 at B&N means money we would have spent anyway...we love going there.
MyPoints does have a referral program, so if you're interested in signing up and feel like helping me at the same time, leave a comment.
Posted in
April 1st, 2006 at 05:10 pm
I've got $23.10 in AdSense money, $14.43 from an eBay auction and $49.76 from an insurance refund to add to my challenge total. I also earned 49 cents in interest, bringing my new total to $222.21. I'll make a transfer to my account this week.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
March 31st, 2006 at 10:15 pm
I got a free half gallon of milk today, using the coupon that Vons sent me to try Text is SunMilk and Link is http://www.sunmilk.com SunMilk. I got a half gallon of 1% milk, and it's good! I signed up on their web site for a buy one get one free coupon, so hopefully that will come soon. Free is good.
Posted in
Saving Money on Food
March 30th, 2006 at 11:31 pm
I love free plants. Today I planted 18 free plants - 3 chiles, 6 tomatoes and 9 grasses (the clumping, landscaping kind, not the kind you grow a lawn out of). I still have three more tomatoes and two false heathers. The tomatoes and chiles were from neighbors who bought more than their garden could hold. The grasses are from friends of my parents who divided up clumps of grass they had growing in their own garden.
My mom also sent me off with a couple of quarts of homemade spaghetti sauce and a jar of marmalade made with blood oranges (among other kind of oranges). The blood oranges give it a beautiful color. She bought me two bags of the pasta she likes to use when making rice pilaf, so I have that now, too.
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Saving Money on Food,
General Musings
March 30th, 2006 at 06:32 pm
A friend asked me if I'd ever heard of Blue Rectangle (www.bluerectangle.com) for selling used books. It works like ebookdrop.com. I checked it out, entered the ISBNs for my books currently listed at half.com, and saw that they would buy three of my books for a whopping 62 cents. Oh well. I thought I'd pass along the URL in case anyone else wanted to try it.
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$20 Challenge
March 25th, 2006 at 10:10 pm
I swung by Rite Aid after going to Joanns today, to check out this month's rebate items. I picked up two new ones to try, each with a dollar rebate. One is supposed to help make your hair look smoother and tame flyaways; the other is to help reduce and repair split-ends. We'll see. (My long hair could use some help. Regular hair-cuts would help, but I don't seem to get around to those.) The difference in my mind this time around, with trying new products? If I don't like them or feel they do what they claim, I'll contact the manufacturers and let them know.
So, $11.78 out of pocket, but $2 coming back in rebates (which I already submitted, thanks to Rite Aid's online system).
At Joanns I got a pair of knitting needles with my 40% off coupon (normally $6.99) and a skein of yarn on sale for $3.38, for a gift for one of DD's friends. She is really wanting to learn to knit, so I think she'll like this gift.
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General Musings
March 23rd, 2006 at 11:11 pm
I use Quicken for setting up and adjusting our budget, tracking our spending and saving, and analysis. This month, I've also been using Jesse's You Need a Budget, in an effort to have a tighter grip on our day to day expenses. I'm trying to see just how much I can control some of the spending that goes on. It has definitely made me more aware of my spending, of my budget and of my wants versus needs. I don't like entering data twice, however, so I won't keep doing things this way. My hope is that after a few months, new habits will be ingrained, or at least new ways of thinking, and then I can go back to just using Quicken.
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