October 5th, 2005 at 09:45 pm
If I bring my own mug, coffee is $1.75 instead of $1.88. Tiny savings, but a savings nonetheless. However, buying a $3 cinnamon roll is just lunacy. I am not making a habit of that! x( I agreed to meet a friend for lunch tomorrow, at a place I've never been, so I have no idea what prices or menu options will be like.
It is SO windy here today. I hate the wind. Aside from being annoying and toppling things over outside, it triggers migraines for me - the change in pressure gets me every time.
10/1 - 10/5:
Groceries: $26.03 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $20.45 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $46.48, or $9.30/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $0
Posted in
October 4th, 2005 at 10:32 pm
Had coffee at home again, didn't have to drive today and packed snacks and lunch for the field trip. That means today has been a no-spend day so far. Tomorrow I'll spend at least $1.88 at the coffee house I hang out at on Wednesdays, and same goes for Friday when I'm up there.
Edit - got take-out on our way to DH's parents' house, so add $15.70 for today.
10/1 - 10/4:
Groceries: $26.03 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $15.70 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $41.73, or $10.43/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $0
Posted in
October 4th, 2005 at 12:20 am
I dusted off our espesso maker this morning and made my own latte. Given I buy Starbucks espresso roast coffee for my regular coffee maker at home already, it tasted pretty good! Every day I don't buy a latte is $2.60 I'm saving. I'm OK with going once or twice a week, though.
I'm not driving at all tomorrow - DD and I are riding with another family for a field trip.
10/1 - 10/3:
Groceries: $26.03 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $0 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $26.03, or $8.66/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $0
Posted in
October 2nd, 2005 at 11:18 pm
DH and I took money out of the bank today for our dining out experiment. We've each got $80 - we'll see how it goes. I thought last night we'd be chipping in half for pizza with friends, but one of them decided he wanted to make dinner for us instead, so we only had to bring a spinach salad and some drinks.
10/1 - 10/2:
Groceries: $26.03 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $0 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $26.03, or $13.01/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $0
Posted in
October 1st, 2005 at 04:56 pm
1. Take out $160 cash for restaurants and coffee for the month for me and DH.
2. Keep grocery spending
Posted in
September 30th, 2005 at 11:00 pm
According to our budget, we have $160 for dining (including Starbucks) and $295 for groceries, for a total of $455.
Totals this year -
Jan = $486.55 (d=160.55, g=326)
Feb = $495.51 (d=144.18, g=351.33)
Mar = $713.33 (d=297.52, g=415.81)
Apr = $516.21 (d=205.49, g=310.72)
May = $493.98 (d=216.87, g=277.11)
June = $460.48 (d=, g= )
July = $440.52 (d=201.05, g=239.47)
August = $410.21 (d=$169.91, g=$240.30)
September = $554.96 (d=$224.14 , g=$330.82)
I'm thinking about taking out $160 for October and reserving it for dining out. When it's gone, it's gone. If there's money leftover (ha ha) it can carry over to November. I'm going to go through my totals and see how many months we came in at or under budget for each category.
Posted in
September 30th, 2005 at 05:51 pm
The recipes I want to try (but need to buy a few ingredients still) are cheesy eggplant orzo casserole, spinach lasagna, and Italian lentil vegetable stew (all from savingdinner.com's vegetarian subscription) and Tex Mex lasagna (from 30daygourmet.com). I ought to be able to freeze all four.
School pictures are coming up, and it looks like we'll spend around $50 there.
I found a gas station where all three grades of gas were under $3 this morning. It's the only one I've seen like that lately. DH filled up the car yesterday, but I don't know yet wht it cost. I'll add it to my total here once I have that figure.
9/1 - 9/30:
Groceries: $330.82
Dining: $204.34
Starbucks: $19.80
Total: $554.96 (about $18.50/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $206.56
Posted in
September 29th, 2005 at 06:45 pm
If dining had stayed around $60 I would have met the goal this month. We weren't even close. October will be better...
I've got three or four new recipes to try, and I'm going to try and freeze some of them as well - make twice as much as we need and stick the second half in the freezer.
9/1 - 9/28:
Groceries: $330.82
Dining: $204.34
Starbucks: $15.70
Total: $550.86 (about $19.67/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $169.03
Posted in
September 28th, 2005 at 10:22 pm
DD and I both need to go to the dentist next month, and I need to find out how much money we have left for medical reimbursement through DH's work. I've got a small bill or two that we could submit - $20 or so - and also am expecting a bigger bill from DD's appointment at the ped this summer. That one is going to be upwards of $170, I think.
9/1 - 9/28:
Groceries: $260.11
Dining: $191.34
Starbucks: $15.70
Total: $467.15 (about $16.68/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $169.03
Posted in
September 28th, 2005 at 02:15 am
I really need to plan to pack a lunch for myself AND eat it when I know I'm going to be away from home all day. I still need to figure out some new meals to try, or at least dig out some recipes/menus that we haven't had in a while. I'm feeling uninspired, tired, and in a rut when it comes to dinner. Story of my life it seems, when it comes to that meal.
9/1 - 9/27:
Groceries: $260.11
Dining: $187.46
Starbucks: $15.70
Total: $463.27 (about $17.16/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $169.03
Posted in
September 25th, 2005 at 11:15 pm
If we don't spend any more money on food this month, we'll still come in over $13/day. It was a tough month around here, food-wise, to stick to the goal.
9/1 - 9/24:
Groceries: $260.11
Dining: $142.79
Starbucks: $13.10
Total: $416.00 (about $17.33/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $149.03
Posted in
September 23rd, 2005 at 10:26 pm
Bought two take and bake pizzas last night for just under $16. Dh was having a friend over for dinner and to talk about building a web site, and DD and I weren't going to be home until around 6, so it just made life easier. We have a huge bag of fresh basil someone gave DH that we need to use up. We have everything for making fresh pesto, so I think that's what we'll do.
I need to fill out a form to get reimbursed for a $25 book I bought for the religious education classes, and I keep forgetting to do it. I'll track down the form this weekend.
9/1 - 9/22:
Groceries: $242.83
Dining: $117.69
Starbucks: $13.10
Total: $373.62 (about $16.98/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $149.03
Posted in
September 21st, 2005 at 11:19 pm
My food budget isn't going so well this month. And I have more to spend this weekend in anticipation of my grandparents coming for a visit. It's all part of adjusting to new schedules and routines (or lack there of, in the case of the latter).
I'm doing some carpooling tomorrow, which is good news. That will make one round trip per day instead of two for three of the five days this week, unless I can arrange something for Friday as well.
I've finally got the pumpkin muffins in the oven this afternoon - took me long enough. I'm making a double batch, a the recipe I decided to use only makes 12 muffins. I still have about 2 cups of canned pumpkin pie mix to use, so I'll make some bread or something too, I guess.
9/1 - 9/21:
Groceries: $242.83
Dining: $101.69
Starbucks: $13.10
Total: $357.62 (about $17.03/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $110.97
Posted in
September 19th, 2005 at 07:49 pm
My parents were here last weekend, and they treated us to Japanese food in Saturday night. It was very good. Last night, friends invited us over for pizza, so dinner cost me just a fruit salad. Dinner this weekend was easy, easy. A few of us parents at DD's school have been talking about carpooling, trying to get something figured out. One difficulty is the car seat/booster seat space issue. The other is that younger kids start later and get out earlier, which makes it tougher for families with siblings going to school there.
9/1 - 9/18:
Groceries: $242.83
Dining: $64.40
Starbucks: $13.10
Total: $320.33 (about $17.80/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $110.97
Posted in
September 16th, 2005 at 08:21 pm
Now that I am driving so much more to take DD to school, I'm going to monitor money spent on gas and get a handle on those costs.
9/1 - 9/16:
Groceries: $218.24
Dining: $64.40
Starbucks: $13.10
Total: $295.74 (about $18.48/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Gas: $110.97
Posted in
September 15th, 2005 at 11:13 pm
I won't believe it till I see it, but there is a possibility that DH will be getting a raise of what amounts to about 10%. The reason? Offering a like salary to a potential new hire moving into the area from out of state. He and DH will have basically the same job title, and DH's bosses are being very good to him and sticking up for him, saying it wouldn't be fair to give a new hire with less experience more money than tried and true and valuable employees already working there. Like I said, I'll believe it when I see it, but if it plays out I am going to be mighty impressed with DH's supervisor, his boss and the powers that be in HR.
The car - we finally have it back. Between the bill and the rental car, we spent about $1100. Ouch.
9/1 - 9/14:
Groceries: $148.72
Dining: $64.40
Starbucks: $13.10
Total: $226.22 (about $16.16/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Hey - I just saw that my journal has over 10,000 views now. Wow.
Posted in
September 14th, 2005 at 03:20 pm
I bought canned pumpkin yesterday, so that I can make DD some pumpkin muffins to take to school as a snack. Her lunches for the year are already paid for, but I do need to send a snack each day. Lunches there are vegetarian, and organic to some extent. It is pretty awesome. The cost per lunch comes out to something like $2 per day.
The car - still in the shop, and now apparently not under warranty. So we still have the crummy rental car. Hopefully our car will be done today. What a pain.
9/1 - 9/13:
Groceries: $141.47
Dining: $60.40
Starbucks: $13.10
Total: $214.97 (about $16.54/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Posted in
September 12th, 2005 at 06:10 pm
We've been eating out far more than we need to. Need to get that back under control. This is going to be an expensive month - car repair, plus rental car. This is what savings is for, so at least we have it.
9/1 - 9/11:
Groceries: $135.60
Dining: $60.40
Starbucks: $13.10 (added $10 to my debit card today)
Total: $209.10 (about $19.01/day) Goal: $13/day or less
The plot thickens on the car - it may be the computer, which is still under warranty. So we may not have to pay after all! Fingers are crossed.
Posted in
September 10th, 2005 at 02:29 am
Car isn't done yet, which means we have our POS rental car over the weekend.
9/1 - 9/9:
Groceries: $90.73
Dining: $18
Starbucks: $13.10 (added $10 to my debit card today)
Total: $121.83 (about $13.54/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Posted in
September 9th, 2005 at 02:28 am
Broke down and bought a coffee today, plus added some money to my sbux card. And DH and I went out to lunch. Sigh.
The car's in the shop - problem with a fuel injector. Fabulous - we get that bill, plus a rental car for at least two or three days.
Found out what DD's performance fee will be for the Nutcracker. $60, if we can sell 15 tickets (won't be a problem). That includes costume and everything, so it's reasonable.
9/1 - 9/8:
Groceries: $90.73
Dining: $18
Starbucks: $13.10 (added $10 to my debit card today)
Total: $121.83 (about $13.73/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Posted in
September 7th, 2005 at 07:06 pm
DH and I spent $6 this morning at the coffee house with free wifi. We're actually still here. Coffee's inexpensive - regular coffe, that is - but doesn't taste nearly as good as sbux. Oh well.
Going to pick up DD in about 30 minutes from her first day at school. My nerves have been on edge - I've been up since 3:15 a.m. with a bad case of insomnia.
9/1 - 9/7:
Groceries: $90.73
Dining: $6
Starbucks: $0 (thanks to gift card!)
Total: $96.73 (about $13.82/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Posted in
September 7th, 2005 at 05:20 am
Dh is taking this week off from work, so the three of us went bowling today, just because we could. It was fun. DD starts school tomorrow. :O
I've been rereading all of the Harry Potter books. Aftr finishing the sixth one recently, I wanted to go back and reread the series, trying to see what clues or foreshadowing I may have missed the first time through. I'm up to the fourth one now - just started it last night. Makes it hard to get through the books I need to read and review for DivaTribe, but right now it's more fun. 
I have a parents meeting for the Nutcracker performance this week, so hopefully I'll find out what the fee will be. The spring show ran twice; Nutcracker has three performances. The spring show fee was extremely reasonable, and we don't buy costumes, so I'm hoping this fee will be equally reasonable.
Over $12,500 has been raised in the fundraiser - just checked.
Posted in
September 6th, 2005 at 04:09 pm
DD starts school tomorrow. I made two batches of muffins to include with her snack each day: apple muffins, and maple oatmeal muffins. Didn't take more than about an hour to make 24 muffins, and I froze most of them. That will make snack a little bit easier - include some fruit or carrots, maybe some cheese, and she's all set.
9/1 - 9/5:
Groceries: $90.73
Dining: $0
Starbucks: $0 (thanks to gift card!)
Total: $90.73 (about $18.15/day) Goal: $13/day or less
Posted in
September 4th, 2005 at 12:36 am
The Crafters United fundraiser has now raised over $9000, and there were more than 400 items in the shop the last time I looked!! Totally amazing.
A friend gave me a $15 Starbucks gift card today, as a thank you for watching her son much of the day. It was our pleasure - DD and her friend get along so well and just laugh and laugh when they play together. We took them swimming and had lots of fun. I definitely didn't expect any sort of 'payment' - it was quite a surprise.
DH and I are heading to a potluck 50th birthday party for a friend this evening. DD is spending the night at her grandparents' house. Should be fun. I think we're going to pick up a dessert at Trader Joe's, since neither DH nor I bothered to make anything. Oops.
Posted in
September 1st, 2005 at 04:34 pm
I updated my spreadsheet this morning that tracks our savings. Once the last round of checks clears that I deposited, we'll be back where we were before paying DD's tuition for the year. I showed DH the figures, and I know he's relieved. He's been working hard to earn extra money, and it's paying off. Not counting those other checks, we're already up about $2400 from the beginning of August.
We spent about $13.23/day on food last month. It would be great to get that down a bit. I'll set the goal at an even $13/day for September, or $390 for the month.
Once DD is in school, I will have more time to really focus on DivaTribe, and building up my distance tutoring. That is, if those are things I want to focus on. I'll also have more time to create things - to knit, crochet, bead, etc. I need to figure out what it is I want to do with that time so that it is spent productively (in all ways - financially, mentally, etc.).
The fundraiser is going strong - over $2000 has been raised already!! It's a good way to get a jump on holiday shopping AND know that all of that money is going to the Red Cross.
Posted in
August 31st, 2005 at 04:51 pm
The indie community is getting together for a fundraiser, with all proceeds going to the Red Cross. The initial goal is $1000. A shop has been set up at Etsy, and as of this writing 85 items have been donated to it. Take a look!
Text is Crafters United Shop at Etsy and Link is http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=3146 Crafters United Shop at Etsy
8/1/05 - 8/31/05:
Groceries: $240.30
Dining: $139.26
Starbucks: $30.65
Total: $410.21 ($13.23/day)
Jan = $486.55
Feb = $495.51
Mar = $713.33
Apr = $516.21
May = $493.98
June = $460.48
July = $440.52
Posted in
August 29th, 2005 at 04:17 pm
My IL's went car shopping last night, and we went along to help out. They took us out to dinner afterwards for Greek food, which was nice.
I think some of the fabric I bought to make a top for DD shrank more than usual when I pre-washed it, as no matter how I lay out the pattern pieces there just isn't enough there. Frustrating.
8/1/05 - 8/28/05:
Groceries: $221.99
Dining: $117.70
Starbucks: $30.65
Total: $370.34 ($13.23/day)
Posted in
August 27th, 2005 at 07:18 am
Spent the day at Disneyland today - we have year passes, so admission and parking were already covered. Still spent money on snacks, drinks and dinner, but all in all it was a really fun day. Hot, but fun. Went on Space Mountain, now that it's open again. It seemed faster and darker than it used to be. I remember when it was new, way back when. Growing up, my best friend's dad worked for Disneyland, so we got to go quite often, for free. Fun, fun, fun. DD loves going - she wanted to ride the carousel first thing, so we did.
8/1/05 - 8/25/05:
Groceries: $215.84
Dining: $93.89
Starbucks: $24.40
Total: $334.13 ($13.37/day)
Posted in
August 24th, 2005 at 04:27 pm
$2.60 at sbux yesterday and $20.50 going out to eat.
I set up a scholarshare program (529) for DD and am having some money automatically transferred to it each month out of my checking account. I'm also having a small amount of money transferred to my ING account each month. Figure the amounts are such that by year end, they'll add up to something, yet I won't feel them missing out of my checking account. As time goes by, I can increase those amounts by five or ten dollars, a little bit here and there. Paying myself first, as it were.
Yesterday I kept thinking it was Thursday for some reason.
8/1/05 - 8/23/05:
Groceries: $215.84
Dining: $93.89
Starbucks: $18.15
Total: $327.88 ($14.26/day)
Spent some money on two patterns plus fabric and notions for a dress and a top for DD today. Also ordered a workout DVD for myself from BN.com.
Posted in
August 23rd, 2005 at 04:53 pm
Ended up spending yesterday - $8 at the thrift store for a pair of pants and two skirts for DD; $32 on Keds for DD; $16 at Bath and Body Works; and, $13 on a lunch bag at the Hello Kitty store.
Today we're going to the park for a couple of hours, and possibly to ballet early to make up a class. I think we will, as the level I class has had hardly any kids coming to it over the summer. During DD's other make-up, she was the only one, so she got a private lesson for the group rate! The other option is Saturday morning, but I think I'll take her today. We're going camping Saturday night, so we'll have enough going on around here that morning as it is.
DH is tutoring tonight and tomorrow night. That'll bring in around $80-$100.
Schools have started here, so soon my tutoring will start again as well. I told one family that I would see their two youngest kids for sure, and one other family that if I could figure out my schedule I would work with their son, too. These are both returning families - one of the dad's is DD's ped. I'd like to raise my rates, as I know I am underselling myself, but I don't want to do that to these longtime clients.
Posted in