January 24th, 2007 at 09:20 pm
I literally lost sleep last night, worrying about retirement savings. (Did I ever mention that I have a somewhat obsessive analytical personality?) Dh and I need to put our heads together, look at our current situation and figure out once and for all what our exact retirement goals are, both in terms of time and money.
In mundane news there's been no spending on my part today. I thought about going out to lunch with DD after school but instead we came home and I made us grilled cheese sandwiches. It was the better choice, when all was said and done.
Our oranges survived all the cold weather and we have more than we can eat. Our church works with a community of homeless people that have a tent community set up. I'm going to take in a couple of bags of oranges to church to take over to them. Seems a small thing, but at least the oranges will be put to good use.
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Saving Money on Food,
General Musings,
January 23rd, 2007 at 03:17 pm
Still plugging away over here, doing pretty well with the budget and basically having days and days where I don't spend any money outside of paying for planned expenses/bills. Our credit card cycle closes today, and even with the $700 or so on there for tile, the overall bill is still lower than usual. This is one of those months where none of us goes to the doctor or dentist, and none of the pets go to the vet.
I was reading through the last chapter of Your Money or Your Life last night, learning about their stance on bonds. It also clued me into a way to add investment income to my spreadsheet, so I'm going to fiddle around with that again this week. (Basically, I'm going to look at how much we have put away for retirement and figure out what the interest income would be today if it were in a liquid account. This isn't exactly right on, but it's close enough to give me some numbers to play with.)
Not much else to add, really
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General Musings,
January 17th, 2007 at 06:24 pm
In the entry below this one, in the comments, I ask a question about how to include investment income from IRAs, 401ks, etc on a graph that shows income, expenses and investment income. I'd love to get some input on this. Otherwise, my investment income graph is ridiculous, as the bulk of our saving efforts go towards longterm goals (retirement, college). But the whole point of the retirement investments is so that we *can* be financially independent someday. I just don't know how to work that into a graph.
Thanks in advance.
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