November 10th, 2005 at 09:12 pm
DD and I still need to make our vegetable barley soup. I got hit with a two-day, in-bed migraine Sunday and Monday, and that sets everything back a few days when it happens.
No spending so far today.
I've spent the last couple of hours fiddling with DivaTribe's newsletter and its layout, formatting, etc. If I can make one thing work, it's going to look so much nicer. And if it looks nicer, I can start selling ad banner space in it, instead of just text links. There are actually two things I need to take care of. I'll get it done before my self-imposed deadline of next Wednesday.
11/1 - 11/10:
Groceries: $138.58 (goal=$295)
Dining: $18.80 (goal=$160)
Total: $157.38 (goal=$455)
Gas: $68.63
Posted in
November 9th, 2005 at 10:29 pm
Organic milk is already more expensive as it is, and today the store was out of store brand, so I had to get the Horizon brand. Yikes. :O
DH has a working dinner this evening, so it's just DD and I. I'm planning an early dinner for the two of us, followed by getting into jammies, hanging out together for a while and making it an early night altogether.
11/1 - 11/9:
Groceries: $138.58 (goal=$295)
Dining: $18.80 (goal=$160)
Total: $157.38 (goal=$455)
Gas: $68.63
Posted in
November 8th, 2005 at 12:39 am
11/1 - 11/7:
Groceries: $120.52 (goal=$295)
Dining: $10.05 (goal=$160)
Total: $130.57 (goal=$455)
Gas: $35.28
Tuesday -
11/1 - 11/8:
Groceries: $120.52 (goal=$295)
Dining: $14.55 (goal=$160)
Total: $134.97 (goal=$455)
Gas: $35.28
Posted in
November 6th, 2005 at 03:31 pm
Dh and I bought a new frig last night. We'd been talking about it, and one of his coworkers who has recently relocated to CA is looking to buy a used refrigerator. We're going to sell him our old one for $100. The new one comes tomorrow. It's a bottom freezer, and silly as it may sound, I'm excited to have it. We signed up for a Sears card to get 10% off, and there's a rebate on the delivery charge.
11/1 - 11/5:
Groceries: $85.37 (goal=$295)
Dining: $10.05 (goal=$160)
Total: $95.42 (goal=$455)
Posted in
Saving Money on Food
November 5th, 2005 at 06:42 am
DH and I were both wiped out this evening and were ready to just go out for dinner, but DD was also really tired, and we figured the experience might not be such a great one. So we did some simple cheese quesadillas with bell pepper and black beans, and some sliced apples. It was simple, healthy, and cheap. I'm glad we opted to stay home.
I took care of my prescription mix-up, but still need to follow up on the book I bought and the car insurance.
I walked to the fabric store today. It's about a mile roundtrip, so it doesn't take long to walk it, and it saves wear and tear on the car, and a wee bit of gas too. Good for my health as well - I need to get moving more often. Bought the knitting needles I needed for a new project and managed not to buy any yarn while I was there, tempting though it was.
Busy weekend ahead of us - fun stuff, but busy nonetheless.
11/1 - 11/4:
Groceries: $85.37 (goal=$295)
Dining: $10.05 (goal=$160)
Total: $95.42 (goal=$455)
Posted in
November 3rd, 2005 at 02:29 pm
Stopped by Sbux this afternoon for a peppermint mocha (yummy) and forgot to ask for it to be decaf! Oops. Hopefully I won't be tossing and turning tonight.
DD and I are going to make vegetable barley soup this weekend. I bought ingredients for it today, and she's looking forward to it.
Things I still need to follow up on - fill out form to get reimbursed for a book purchase, call insurance regarding our second car, and fill out form to get reimbursed for my recent Rx purchases. Those cost upwards of $375, but I think I'll get all but $60 back. I'm hoping so anyway - that's how it's worked out in the past.
11/1 - 11/3:
Groceries: $85.37 (goal=$295)
Dining: $7.45 (goal=$160)
Total: $92.82 (goal=$455)
Posted in
November 1st, 2005 at 06:49 pm
Last month was good in terms of sticking to our budget for food. We're going to try it again this month.
Groceries: $0 (goal=$295)
Dining: $2.15 (goal=$160)
10/1 - 10/31:
Groceries: $300.48 (goal: $295 or less)
Posted in
October 31st, 2005 at 03:55 am
I bought some fabric today to make next year's costume. It was marked down 70%, and then I had a coupon for another 10% off my entire purchase. I already have a pattern, so I got a good deal on next year's costume. And, I have a year to make it. 
10/1 - 10/30:
Groceries: $300.48 (goal: $295 or less)
Posted in
October 29th, 2005 at 06:36 am
Paid some bills today, including car insurance for 6 months. That was over $600. I need to call about our second car. It's 11 years old and barely driven once a week. I suspect we're insuring it for more than it's worth.
Tomorrow and Sunday dinner is already taken care of. Tomorrow night the in-laws are coming over and we're having homemade pesto over spaghetti, and salad. My MIL is bringing dessert. Sunday, we're going to a potluck/Halloween party. And then Monday is Halloween, so we'll do something easy for dinner here that night. And that gets us through October, about as close to the dining out budget and grocery budget as we've been. Knock on wood that I haven't counted our chickens too early... 
I decided to use last year's costume, rather than make myself a new one for this year. My mom made DD's costume - Tinnkerbell - so that's taken care of as well.
I'm almost done with a sweater I've been working on. The front, back and sleeves are all finished; now it needs to be blocked and assembled, and to have the neckband knitted. I hope when it's all done that it fits, and that I like it. It looks pretty so far. I started a poncho tonight out of cheap Red Heart yarn, just to play around with a new pattern.
10/1 - 10/28:
Groceries: $300.48 (goal: $295 or less)
Posted in
October 27th, 2005 at 11:03 pm
It's getting gray outside. I don't mine when it rain - in fact, I like when it rains - but I hate when it's just gray and gloomy.
Not much else to say. Feeling sort of glum myself.
10/1 - 10/27:
Groceries: $300.48 (goal: $295 or less)
Posted in
October 26th, 2005 at 09:43 pm
Taking DD to the dentist today, and I have four prescriptions that need to be refilled. Fun fun. Two of those prescriptions are mail-order, so I'll get three months of each one for $40 each. The other two I'll get reimbursed for, so ultimately they'll be $20 each out of pocket, but the initial cost before submitting to insurance will be over $100.
Dentist was $186...and a cavity-free check-up. 
10/1 - 10/26:
Groceries: $224.96 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: approx. 144.29 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $369.25, or $14.20/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $146.82
Posted in
October 25th, 2005 at 07:03 pm
DH made coffee for me this morning. That was nice.
I need to mail a book today - I should have done it by now, so today is a must.
10/1 - 10/25:
Groceries: $224.96 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: approx. 124.41 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $349.37, or $13.97/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $146.82
Posted in
October 24th, 2005 at 06:32 pm
Checking in on goals -
1. Take out $160 cash for restaurants and coffee for the month for me and DH. (Did this, and stil have some cash left)
2. Keep grocery spending
Posted in
October 23rd, 2005 at 08:07 pm
It's been a pretty quiet weekend. We have a coupon for a free pumpkin (valued at $4 or less), so I think I'll take DD out for that later today. I'm also going to go get some fabric to make a fall tablecloth - we have one that is very spring/summery, and a couple for winter/Christmas, but nothing that suits this time of year. I have a 40% off coupon for Joanns, in case they don't already have fall fabrics marked down. I try to never pay full price for things there, as they are always marking things down. When I pay full price I feel like I'm ripping myself off.
10/1 - 10/22:
Groceries: $224.96 (goal: $295 or less) 70.04 left
Dining: 98.79 (goal: $160 or less) 61.21 left (though DH may have spent some that I don't know of yet)
Total: $323.75, or $14.72/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $112.78
Posted in
October 21st, 2005 at 07:00 pm
I made tea to bring with me while waiting during ballet yesterday, and I'll do that again today. I've been bringing my own coffee in the mornings that I'm not going to be going to the coffeehouse to do some work and pass the time while waiting for DD at school. I made a pretty good dinner last night of tofu parmigiana - basically tofu instead of chicken. It was good. 
10/1 - 10/21:
Groceries: $224.96 (goal: $295 or less) 70.04 left
Dining: 98.79 (goal: $160 or less) 61.21 left (though DH may have spent some that I don't know of yet)
Total: $323.75, or $15.42/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $112.78
Posted in
October 20th, 2005 at 05:54 pm
10/1 - 10/20:
Groceries: $224.96 (goal: $295 or less) 70.04 left
Dining: 98.79 (goal: $160 or less) 61.21 left (though DH may have spent some that I don't know of yet)
Total: $323.75, or $16.19/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $112.78
Posted in
October 19th, 2005 at 08:34 pm
For some reason, I was only charged $1.50 instead of $1.75 for my coffee today. Fine with me. Maybe I've been getting overcharged before? I don't know.
Walked for 15-20 minutes before going to pick up DD today. I'm walking with a friend tomorrow, and I went to yoga on Monday. Decent week for exercise.
10/1 - 10/19:
Groceries: $191.69 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: 98.79 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $290.48, or $15.29/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $112.78
Posted in
October 18th, 2005 at 07:27 pm
I got a memory foam mattress pad for $40 yesterday at overstock.com. Shipping was a dollar - what a great deal. I've been dealing with a sore back and neck for over a month now, and I'm hoping that improving my sleep will help. I'm also going to get more exercise each week and see if that doesn't help.
I'm going to owe a late fee at the library, something which almost never happens. A CD of some Beatrix Potter stories got lost in the shuffle and is now about 8 days late. I dropped it off this morning.
10/1 - 10/18:
Groceries: $191.69 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: 97.29 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $288.98, or $16.05/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $112.78
Posted in
October 17th, 2005 at 08:05 pm
Quiet, rainy day here.
We've maxed out our medical reimbursement for the year, and we still have three dentist appointments coming up. We estimated conservatively this year, being our first year of having such a benefit. I've been tracking our medical expenses this year, so we ought to have a better idea of what to set aside next year.
10/1 - 10/17:
Groceries: $191.69 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $69.07 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $260.76, or $15.34/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $78.31
Posted in
Saving Money on Food,
Medical Costs and Reimbursement
October 16th, 2005 at 09:56 pm
Went to Trader Joe's today to pick up cereal, milk, cheese, crackers and a few other items. We have just under $200 left for our budget for the month, with 15 days remaining. Will have to keep an eye on that.
My house smells so good - DD and I made brownies. Yummmmmm......
10/1 - 10/16:
Groceries: $191.69 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $69.07 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $260.76, or $16.30/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $78.31
Posted in
October 15th, 2005 at 11:55 pm
Camping was nice. Makes me want to do it more often, if only to get away for a night now and then.
Got a massage today. The past couple of months have been bad for me in terms of migraines. I'm hoping today's massage will help break that cycle. I do feel a lot looser and less tense. DH is going for one tomorrow. I gave him two gift certificates for our anniversary, and he hasn't used them yet. I paid for mine today with fun money he and DD gave me back at Mother's Day that I hadn't used yet. Aren't we crazy?
10/1 - 10/15:
Groceries: $121.09 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $69.07 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $190.16, or $12.68/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $78.31
Posted in
October 14th, 2005 at 07:38 pm
No spending so far today. I need to figure out dinner on the run this evening, as we are going from DD's rehearsal to her class' campout, with no time to stop and have a proper meal. It may wind up being something as simple as pb & j. I have two loaves of pumpkin bread in the oven right now, as our contribution towards breakfast tomorrow.
10/1 - 10/14:
Groceries: $121.09 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $55.37 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $176.46, or $12.60/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $78.31
Posted in
October 13th, 2005 at 10:43 pm
Dh found out today that his company is giving all 401k participants 3% of their base pay over a specified twelve-month period and depositing it into their accounts, as a means of profit-sharing. Woo hoo!! Free money! 
DH's raise also went into effect as of last Friday, I believe. Once we see the new take-home pay, we're going to up our 401k contribution.
And, after a lot of whining and complaining on my part about slow sales in my store, I made a sale this morning. A small one, but a sale nonetheless. This week I've added three new bracelets from one of the original artists to join the store, as well as some full and half aprons my mom made (some over vintage patterns) and an aran stitch ladies cardigan that my mom knitted.
And as a plug for the store - 10% of all sales are being donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Any of my items (or my mom's) will yield a 30% donation.
10/1 - 10/13:
Groceries: $121.09 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $55.37 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $176.46, or $13.57/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $78.31
Posted in
October 12th, 2005 at 09:35 pm
At some point I'll have to add in what DH has spent from his $80 for dining out. I got $15.70 from when we got sandwiches one evening, but that's all I have from him.
He got me my coffee beans this morning, and brought home a free cup of coffee too. 
10/1 - 10/12:
Groceries: $121.09 (goal: $295 or less) 4.71
Dining: $55.37 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $176.46, or $14.71/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $78.31
Posted in
October 11th, 2005 at 07:17 pm
Ate dinner at home, but spent $5.01 on coffee...and tea...this morning. DH is getting me Sbux coffee beans tomorrow morning after he exercises, so I won't feel like I have to stop at Sbux in the morning. Running out of coffee beans is not good for me or my budget. 
10/1 - 10/11:
Groceries: $116.38 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $52.37 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $168.75, or $15.34/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $78.31
Posted in
October 11th, 2005 at 05:54 am
Went to Vons for dishwashing soap and came out $21 later. Oh well. We needed eggs and I wanted to get some chocolate chips and flour for baking, and I found a couple of really good deals in their tiny clearance area. Turns out I had flour at home - forgot about that. I think I'll freeze one of the bags. I'm pretty siure you can freeze flour safely. This time of year I do more baking anyway, so it'll be used up before too long. I was going to buy Starbucks coffee, but it's cheaper by the pound if I go to an actual Starbucks to get it, so that's what I'll do. I got a free cup of coffee once as well when I bought a pound of beans, so I'll ask about that next time I'm in.
10/1 - 10/10:
Groceries: $116.79 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $47.36 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $164.15, or $16.42/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $78.31
Posted in
October 10th, 2005 at 01:47 am
DH, DD and I saw the new Wallace and Grommit movie today. I liked it - I think they're cute. At matinee prices it cost us about $18 to see the show.
10/1 - 10/9:
Groceries: $95.79 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $47.36 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $143.15, or $15.91/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $32.50
Posted in
October 9th, 2005 at 03:03 am
No mom's night out for me - I got hit with a bad migraine instead. I've managed to have some cereal and a slice of toast today.
10/1 - 10/8:
Groceries: $42.80 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $36.05 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $78.85, or $9.76/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $32.50
Posted in
October 7th, 2005 at 08:52 pm
I agreed to go out for a women's night out this Saturday. It will be dinner, and I've been thinking about the money budgeted for dining out this month. It's at a Mexican place - if I order a la carte and stay away from alcohol (something I tend to do anyway with my migraines) I should be OK.
DH filled up our second car with gas the other day, and now the everyday car needs to be filled up as well. Carpooling/limiting driving went well for me this week. I only drove two roundtrips in one day once this week, didn't drive at all on Tuesday, and made just one roundtrip the other three days.
10/1 - 10/7:
Groceries: $26.03 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $36.05 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $62.08, or $8.87/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $32.50
Posted in
October 6th, 2005 at 09:08 pm
Lunch today was at a vegetarian restaurant that is fairly new, and it was good! But it was also $13, so I'm not gong to be doing that very often. Still, it was nice to have lunch with a friend and enjoy good food and good conversation.
10/1 - 10/6:
Groceries: $26.03 (goal: $295 or less)
Dining: $33.45 (goal: $160 or less)
Total: $59.48, or $9.91/day (goal: $455, or about $14.68/day)
Gas: $0
Posted in