January 3rd, 2006 at 09:13 pm
1. coffee at home - DH set it up last night
2. arranged carpooling for every day this week
3. ate leftovers for lunch
4. mailed some cards before the postage rates go up
Ballet starts back up today, and I owe tuition (half the usual amount, as there was a two-week break). I may go over to Kinkos while DD is dancing. I learned how to make little notepads from a friend and need to do some photocopying and trimming. I could also do it on my printer at home, and use my paper cutter, flimsy as it is. Hmmm...maybe I won't go to Kinkos after all. The compound that holds the paper together won't be here for at least a day or two - had to order it - so I have some time. I'll use the notepads as promotional items for DivaTribe. Since they aren't specifically for the boutique, I'm not counting that money spent in my challenge, though if they turn out well I'll certainly send them out with orders.
edited to add three more:
5. ate dinner at home
6. sat and crocheted during ballet - didn't go out to Kinkos or Starbucks
7. set up coffee tonight for tomorrow morning
Posted in
January 2nd, 2006 at 08:00 am
I'm tentatively in - whether I aim big or small, I honestly haven't decided yet. I won't carry over my 2005 challenge earnings, but I will continue some of the thigns from that challenge. I will count AdSense earnings from my tutoring and homeschooling web sites, and I will count sales from half.com.
I'm starting a new business this winter/spring, selling my own handmade items and possibly buying a few things wholesale to resell as well. The DivaTribe boutique is currently closed, and when it reopens it will feature these things. Jeffrey suggested that I track my progress here so that others can see what I'm doing, offer advice and constructive criticism and learn from my experience.
I have certain advantages. I already have my web sites, so I don't need to pay for domain names or hosting. For what I'm making, I already have some in stock and have yarn purchased that needs to be used. I also have money in DivaTribe's coffers to spend on advertising and purchasing wholesale.
So my dilemma here is two-fold: what to do specifically (if anything, right now) with the $20, and how transparent am I comfortable being with putting my business' income and expenses out there for all to see.
I won't be counting other sources of DivaTribe income (AdSense, advertising, affiliates, etc.). For this challenge, I'll focus specifically on the boutique as best I can.
On a separate note, I think I'll count money I save on dining out and groceries. I have amounts budgeted for each of those categories; any money I save will go to my challenge total. Likely won't be much, if any, but I'll count it nonetheless. I'll also count interest earned and have started an ING account with $20, especially for this challenge.
So there you go. Starting off with $20.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 2nd, 2006 at 02:51 am
I was just looking at the spreadsheet I keep to track our savings balances on the first of each month (after interest has been posted). In looking at our balances on 1/1/05 vs. 1/1/06, we are up about $8000! This doesn't include retirement accounts - this is strictly savings and CDs. It's good to see it in black and white, as it means that all the hard work over the year was worth it. And we managed to pay for a year of private school and redo our kitchen and one bathroom (ourselves) last year. I'm happy with how the year turned out and am looking forward to trying to do well again in 2006.
Posted in
December 30th, 2005 at 04:47 pm
Goals continued...
*Increase 401k contribution by at least 1-2%.
*Increase ING monthly transfers by $25 (went in and increased by $10 for January)
*Keep dining out expenses under $160/month on average - move any money saved to ING each month
*Keep grocery spending under $300/month on average - move any money saved to ING each month
*Launch new business by 4/1/06
*Increase tutoring and homeschooling adsense revenues - need more new content and link exchanges
*Update advertising options at DivaTribe - better bang for the buck for advertisers, steadier revenue stream for DT
Posted in
General Musings
December 29th, 2005 at 03:58 pm
Goals for 2006:
Increase 401k contribution by at least 1-2%.
Increase ING monthly transfers by $25
Keep dining out expenses under $160/month on average
More to come...
Posted in
General Musings
December 28th, 2005 at 09:14 pm
I had two bills to pay, and one of them is not a recurring one that I normally pay via my credit union's free online billpay. I am out of stamps but realized that duh! I can pay it online! So I entered a new payee, and voila. Bill paid, and no trip to the post office.
I've spent a good deal of the morning today working on DivaTribe. I've had several new advertisers pay for space, so I needed to get them into the line up, and I'm working on a new set-up for the store that is more integrated into the main site's look and feel. I need to get going on a contest idea I have and start drafting up the newsletter to go out next week.
DD got a book for Christmas that she already has, so we're going to go out to Barnes and Noble and see about exchanging it for something else. We were right there yesterday, if only she'd brought the book along and reminded me that we need to exchange it.
Posted in
General Musings
December 27th, 2005 at 11:48 pm
I needed some new bras and underwear, and after spending $100+ at Kohl's I got a $20 store credit to use between 12/29 and 1/7. So now to think of what else we might need and put the money to good use. I also got some Christmas-themed paper plates and napkins and Linens and Things for 50% off. I'm not a fan of disposables of that nature, but I do use them a bit at Christmas. Found a mini cupcake/muffin tin there as well, which I didn't have but have wanted.
In setting my table for the Christmas dinner, I realized that it would be nice to have service for 12 instead of 8. My mom handed down to me her Lenox china, and I love it. I don't think they make the exact pattern anymore, but they have one that is similar. I'll have to do some looking and thinking, or else invest in less expensive but still festive dishes. My mom has a huge set of Spode, and we've been able to find pieces for that over the years at places like Ross, which is nice. Somehow I don't think my Lenox bone china will turn up at Ross. 
DD got a violin for Christmas from one of her cousins, so we need to get some rosin. My clarinet is in the shop, getting all new pads and whatnot. I'll get her some rosin when I go to pick it up. My dad is going to ask my grandpa if he still has his violin, and if so, if I can have it. If I can, then DD and I can learn violin together.
Posted in
General Musings
December 22nd, 2005 at 04:17 pm
Tidy up for visitors this evening
Work on Christmas cards - postmarked before Christmas day would be nice (got some done and mailed)
Get a load or two of laundry done
Get some crocheting done (got a good start on a new project)
We're having friends over for dessert this evening. DD is working on knitting a scarf for her friend. Should be a nice, quiet day. I can't think of any errands we need to run.
As others are setting 2006 financial goals, I suspect I'll do the same. Some of them will be continuing things that have worked this year, like moving money over each month to my ING account and DD's 529 plan. DH and I increased his 401k contribution after his raise, but I think we can increase a bit more without really feeling it too much, so that's something for us to look into. I've got a new business idea in the works for DivaTribe, so I can set some goals in that arena as well.
Posted in
General Musings
December 21st, 2005 at 08:49 pm
DD and I met one of her friends and her friend's mother this morning for hot cocoa/coffee/tea. After visiting for about an hour, we took a short walk over to a fire station to drop off toy donations. It was a pleasant morning. We brought our friends a sampler of homemade cookies and sweets, and they brought us a small loaf of pumpkin bread. Yummy!
I'd really like this cold to abate. I think my cold medication kept me up last night - I was awake (wide awake) from 1:30 - 4:30 this morning. I need to figure out a way to get a good night's sleep.
DD and I are listening to our Nutcracker CD right now. She's coloring Christmas ornaments, and I'm going to go sit with her and do some crocheting after I finish this.
I'm thinking about going to Big Lots this afternoon to see if they have any Christmas cloth napkins. If they do and it's a good price, I'll get them. Otherwise, I may go buy some fabric and make them. I don't have ten of any that match. I honestly don't feel like sitting and sewing 10 napkins, though. We'll see.
Posted in
General Musings
December 20th, 2005 at 08:32 pm
I think I am all done shopping. Between Trader Joe's and the 99 cent store, I did the last of my shopping today for Christmas dinner and stocking stuffers. Santa is bringing me a black initial handbag that I found at the 99 cent store - I think it had been at Target at one point. It's pretty cute. I got lotion for DH and my mom, a container of glass wipes for my dad for his truck, mints and gum, tree and snowflake post it notes, and candy canes for stockings. My mom usually brings along some stocking stuffers as well, so the stockings will be fairly full this year.
At Trader Joe's I got a turkey breast and some Tofurkey, for the vegetarians at dinner this year. I got 6 bottles of sparkling apple cider at the 99 cent store. I really love that place.
So I think I'm all set. DD is at grandma and grandpa's today, decorating cookies. I've gotten a lot done today. My goal was to get things done early in the week, in case the cold doesn't ease up or a migraine hits. Now I can sit back and relax, without worrying about things that still need to be done. There's cleaning to be done, but that is something DH will help out with.
We still need to send out our holiday pictures/letters. DH made a collage and uploaded it to shutterfly, and it has a sampling of pictures from throughout the year. We wrote up a half page key to the photos. Need to photocopy the letter, update our mailing list, and then we can get to that.
It feels good to be done with so much that needed to be done. My cold is better today, but not gone. I slept better last night than I have in the last three or four, and I think that helped a lot.
Posted in
General Musings
December 16th, 2005 at 11:36 pm
I got my cousins gift today - yea! I need to take DD out to shop for toys to donate, as we haven't done that yet and it's something we do every year.
It's been a busy, but fun day so far, and there is still the performance tonight to get through. And then one tomorrow and one Sunday. It will be fun for DD. The dress rehearsal went well last night, and they all looked adorable. I actually got chills when their part came up. I'm so proud of DD. She's the youngest one up there.
Going to put my feet up for a few minutes before moving on to the next thing...
Posted in
December 15th, 2005 at 08:10 pm
I bought sampler boxes of handmade truffles from a shop here in town for DD's teachers. I also picked up a couple of Ben and Jerry's gift certificates for a birthday party tomorrow afternoon. That leaves something for my cousin, and then I *think* we're all set.
DD has her first Nutcracker performance tomorrow evening. Tonight is the dress rehearsal. Last night was a rehearsal on stage, and a few of us parents that stayed to help out peeked out from the wings to try and watch. It looks like it will be cute, all those little mice. 
I feel like I'm spinning my wheels today, doing something but getting little accomplished. At least the gifts for the teachers are taken care of now. I've had truffles from this shop before and they are wonderful!
Posted in
December 14th, 2005 at 11:48 pm
I have two tutoring students now instead of one, so that's a bit of extra cash coming in most weeks. It's actually my daughter's teacher's daughter. And it's supplementing as opposed to remediation, so it's a nice change of pace in that regard.
I sold two ponchos last Sunday to friends at church. Took the money and bought more yarn to make up some more!
Shopping is close to done. I'd still like to do something for DD's teachers, so I need to get my act together PRONTO. I also need something for one of my cousins. Aside from that, I think we're just about done. I have four different recipes to get to for my baking still, but I'll get to them. I've done the shopping, so it's a matter of just getting it done.
Posted in
December 11th, 2005 at 04:36 am
Spent the entire day in bed. This migraine started Thursday and got worse as the days went by, not better. I'm up now, and keeping down some excedrine, which is a good sign. But day 2 of trying this new program was a total loss. On to day 3....
DH and DD picked out our Christmas tree today. It looks nice with the lights on it, and we'll decorate it tomorrow. I'm hoping to do some baking tomorrow as well.
We watched the Bolshoi's Romeo and Juliet this evening on DVD. It's pretty long, but DD watched much of it. She'snow asleep on the couch next to me.
Posted in
December 10th, 2005 at 03:50 am
I'm embarking on a new plan of attack when it comes to my migraines - one that is more holisitic in its approach. Spent a bunch of money on supplements, herbs, etc today. I'll try just about anything at this point. It's been a bad few months, and my quality of life needs to improve.
I got a nice looking new wall clock for the kitchen today. We needed a new one, as the old one wasn't keeping time anymore, despite putting in a new battery. This new one looks good with the new look of our kitchen, and I'm happy with it. It only cost $10, but it's a nice change. The old one has been around since I was in college, I think. I would say I got some good out of it.
I carpooled every day this week with regards to driving to school. It's nice only making the roundtrip once instead of twice, or being able to come back home instead of hanging out up there for hours.
DD and DH are out back, trying to look at the stars. It's really windy here, though, so I don't think they'll stay out too long. I hate, hate, hate wind.
Posted in
General Musings,
Medical Costs and Reimbursement
December 8th, 2005 at 05:33 pm
I finally filled out the form to get reimbursed for a book purchase. That's $32 coming back to me that I spent back in August. I used a $10 coupon yesterday for Venus razor blades. I got it in response to an email I'd sent to the company, letting them know that one of the blades was dull straight out of the box. I thought that was pretty smart of them, as now I continue to use their product (which I've used for years and years). I also used a Horizon coupon for milk. So it was a good coupon day. I went to the store to stock up on ingredients for holiday baking, plus milk and yogurt.
I have fallen behind in tracking food spending, so I may or may not get that updated this month. We'll see.
The other day I bought a peppermint mocha. I got charged for a grande when I only ordered a tall, and I went back after checking my receipt and got them to refund back the difference. I would have noticed it right off the bat except I had also bought a pastry and used a recycled sleeve to get 10% off my drink, so the pricing was different than what I'm used to. It wasn't a lot of money, but it was the principle of the matter.
I think we're going to get our Christmas tree this weekend. We go to the same lot every year, and this year they mailed us a $4 coupon. 
I may sell another poncho this weekend, to a friend at church. I'm going to bring in all the stock I've made so far and sell one to her, and hopefully more to others who may wander over to see what we're doing. I'm trying to get one or two more made up before Sunday.
Posted in
December 5th, 2005 at 05:18 am
We spent $15 at a soup/lunch fundraiser after church this morning. Also went to Starbucks today. It's been an expensive weekend for dining out.
12/1 - 12/4:
Groceries: $57.01 (goal: $295)
Dining: $23.55 (goal: $160) (still need to add in Friday's dinner)
Total: $80.06 (goal: $455)
Posted in
December 2nd, 2005 at 08:28 pm
I opted to skip the coffee stop again this morning. What's come over me? Other than mailing a book and buying stamps, it's been a no-spend day. DD has a Nutcracker rehearsal this evening from 5-6:30, so I'm thinking the three of us may grab a bite to eat out afterwards.
12/1 - 12/2:
Groceries: $57.01 (goal: $295)
Dining: $0 (goal: $160)
Total: $57.01 (goal: $455)
Posted in
December 1st, 2005 at 09:27 pm
I had a good trip to the grocery store today. I made a list and only bought one extra thing - ice cream.
This week is flying by. I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday.
November's food totals were low, but I think that had more to due with all three of us being sick quite a bit, and being at my parents' house for the holiday.
Groceries: $57.01 (goal: $295)
Dining: $0 (goal: $160)
Total: $57.01 (goal: $455)
Posted in
November 30th, 2005 at 06:04 pm
I love the first of the month, adding up all the interest earned the prior month. With money at ING earning so much more than my regular savings, we're seeing more interest right there. Very nice.
Thought about stopping for coffee this morning - opted to come home and make some tea instead. Saved some money there!
11/1 - 11/30:
Groceries: $262.68 (goal=$295)
Dining: $144.53 (goal=$160)
Total: $407.21 (goal=$455)
Gas: $143.16
Posted in
November 28th, 2005 at 10:11 pm
I don't know how much we spent on coffee and such while on the road, so I'm going to estimate $30. Food-wise, we're doing well. Helped to be at my parents' house for the long Thanksgiving weekend.
I got some good deals today while Christmas shopping, ioncluding tend ollars for a porcelain doll for DD. She is asking Santa for a 'china doll', so hopefully she's like this one. It's even dressed as a ballerina, so it's like it was meant to be. Got it at Ross, of all places. The box is beat up, so we'll just take it out and set it next to her stocking for Christmas morning.
I picked up some LED Christmas lights for the house too. I tried to get some last year but waited too long and couldn't find any. Target had them, so I got four strands. Hopefully that will be enough.
11/1 - 11/28:
Groceries: $262.68 (goal=$295)
Dining: $125.27 (goal=$160)
Total: $387.95 (goal=$455)
Gas: $143.16
Posted in
November 24th, 2005 at 12:02 am
I got a request for another poncho today. Pretty exciting.
11/1 - 11/23:
Groceries: $223.01 (goal=$295)
Dining: $95.27 (goal=$160)
Total: $318.28 (goal=$455)
Gas: $101.50
Posted in
November 22nd, 2005 at 03:46 pm
I'm keeping DD home yet again. Hopefully she'll be well enough tomorrow to go see her friends and teachers before the holiday weekend. Should be a low-key day today. It's frustrating, being sick. But I feel a little bit better compared to yesterday, and DD seems a little bit better as well.
11/1 - 11/21:
Groceries: $223.01 (goal=$295)
Dining: $88.67 (goal=$160)
Total: $311.68 (goal=$455)
Gas: $101.50
Posted in
November 21st, 2005 at 03:18 pm
DD and I are both sick, so I'm keeping her home today. I really hope we're better before Thursday.
Haven't been spending much money lately, although DH and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie last night (despite my coughing!). It was a good movie, thought not nearly as good as the book, of course. They had to cut out a lot of character and plot development, and still the 2.5 hours seemed to fly by.
I mailed in the Rx reimbursement form on Saturday - that check will be good to have.
11/1 - 11/20:
Groceries: $223.01 (goal=$295)
Dining: $72.07 (goal=$160)
Total: $295.08 (goal=$455)
Gas: $101.50
Posted in
November 19th, 2005 at 03:36 pm
The fire yesterday got a whole lot scarier than I thought it might, but we're all fine. Wound up having dinner at the in-laws' house.
Today I have the flu or something. I'm achy and coughing, and my throat hurts. What fun. Hoping for a low-key weekend after yesterday.
Posted in
November 18th, 2005 at 05:32 pm
I don't anticipate any big spending today. I've kept DD home from school, as there are brush fires in our area today. The winds are blowing in our favor, but it is scary nonetheless.
I got my first $25 gift certificate from the local yarn shop. You get one every time you spend $275. Yes, I've spent that much on yarn there over the past year or two. Actually, my mom has bought some too and put it on my account, so it isn't all me. But a lot of it is, lol. Oh well - there are worse things to spend money on, and I'll be able to sell some of the things I make. I sold a poncho to DD's teacher yesterday. She asked me to make her one after she saw one I was wearing, so I did.
Posted in
November 17th, 2005 at 08:00 pm
I bought three day-old bagels at the coffee house today. Normally one bagel runs me about $2, but I got the three of them today for $1.75. We'll see how they last. I ate one just now that was absolutely fine.
I still need to get reimbursed for a book I bought, and I have over $300 in Rx receipts to submit as well. I need to do this.
11/1 - 11/17:
Groceries: $223.01 (goal=$295)
Dining: $72.07 (goal=$160)
Total: $295.08 (goal=$455)
Gas: $68.63
Posted in
November 15th, 2005 at 06:32 pm
We had a pretty good dinner last night. The 99 cent store had a pack of 6 focaccia breads and they made for good little pizza crusts. I picked some home grown oak leaf lettuce for a salad and we had some apple slices. Simple but tasty.
I'm surprised that our grocery spending has already reached over $200 for the month. I honestly don't feel like we have that much food at home either. Hmmm....better make sure we eat out of the frig, freezer and pantry well for the next week or two if we're going to come in at or under budget.
11/1 - 11/15:
Groceries: $223.01 (goal=$295)
Dining: $67.72 (goal=$160)
Total: $290.73 (goal=$455)
Gas: $68.63
Posted in
November 13th, 2005 at 10:37 pm
Still need to add in Friday's dinner and today's gas fill-up...
11/1 - 11/13:
Groceries: $223.01 (goal=$295)
Dining: $29.75 (goal=$160)
Total: $252.76 (goal=$455)
Gas: $68.63
Posted in
November 11th, 2005 at 08:44 pm
I think I've gotten everything worked out for my newsletter. DH helped me learn how to do something in the database, and now I just need to send out a few more tests to make sure all the links and images and whatnot are working properly.
We're going out to dinner tonight with DH's parents, to Macaroni Grill. I'm looking forward to it. I think it's our first meal out for the month. Mine, anyway - DH had a working dinner a couple of nights ago. I've bought coffee and tea here and there.
I splurged on a passage today. I've been feeling rotten for weeks now, and I'm hoping this will help loosen things up and let my body heal a bit. I'm going to drink more water than usual today to help move things along and get the toxins out. All three of us are fighting head colds.
I sold a book today for $5 at half.com.
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