February 1st, 2006 at 04:39 pm
After adding in cc round-ups and such, my challenge total is now up to $67.30.
I need to move money between accounts less often, as it gets to be confusing remembering what I've moved and what I haven't, as well as time-consuming. I'm being very passive in the challenge, so I think I'll scale back to updating the actual ING account once a month. I can record things that happen here (sold a book, whatever), but I don't think I'll update totals any times other than when I'm adjusting the actal ING total.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 31st, 2006 at 02:33 am
Money saved today -
1. all three meals at home
2. coffee at home
3. carpooled
4. bought two toothbrushes on sale and with a rebate - ended up costing $1 apiece
5. found some shampoo and conditioner to try for $1.24 each
I'll spend some money tomorrow on coffee and/or lunch, but overall January has been a good month for the food budget.
Groceries: $257.52 (goal = $300)
Dining: $136.02 (goal = $160)
Posted in
Saving Money on Food,
January 30th, 2006 at 04:45 pm
As others have been doing, from glancing at blog titles, DH and I spent some time this weekend getting our tax stuff together. We've got everything filled out for our CPA, and DH will be handing the pile of papers over to him. Keeping track of things in Quicken and Quickbooks, along with a spreadsheet for medical expenses, really saved us a lot of time. If you're reading this and have no way of tracking things, I would highly recommend making 2006 the year to start! It's amazing how much easier it made the process. We have two sole proprietorships and itemize our deductions, and being able to fill in the worksheets from our CPS in an hour and a half is great. I can't imagine how laborious the process would have been had we not had so much information right there at the click of a mouse.
Groceries: $257.52 (goal = $300)
Dining: $136.02 (goal = $160)
Posted in
Saving Money on Food,
General Musings
January 28th, 2006 at 11:16 pm
The party today was very nice - relaxed, with lots of parents there that we knew. the kids had fun, and so did the adults.
DH spent some time this morning helping me bring all of my newsletter subscribers into a new newsletter program. We used to send them out through our own server, but I'm moving them over to DivaTribe's host (which isn't us). In trying to simplify technical life at home, we need fewer things going on with that server. I'll have to pay a bit to send out my mailings - I only get 1000 for free every quarter - but it won't cost too much. It will also be easier to deal with emails that bounce this way.
I won't have much to add for AdSense for my non-DivaTribe sites this month (I'm adding those totals to my challenge money). It might be $6 this month, if I'm lucky. I really don't do much with those sites, so to me, anything is a nice little bonus.
Groceries: $257.52 (goal = $300)
Dining: $122.02 (goal = $160)
Posted in
General Musings
January 27th, 2006 at 02:26 am
Money saved today -
1. carpooled
2. got taken out to lunch 
3. used gift card for coffee
4. breakfast and dinner at home
Money earned today -
1. worked 3+ hours
Not much to report. The gift card for Starbucks that I got as a Christmas present is almost all used up now. I have about a dollar left on it. It's been nice having it this past month. I started a list at www.thethingsiwant.com and added Starbucks gift cards to my list.
Our credit card cycle closed yesterday, and it was a good month. Even with the cost of getting my clarinet refurbished, it was still less than what's it been lately. I imported everything into quicken, and I'll look at the actual numbers versus our budget once the month comes to an end.
Posted in
January 26th, 2006 at 03:19 am
Money saved today -
1. carpooled
2. used gift card for coffee - it was the 7th one, so next one is free 
3. breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert at home
Money earned -
1. 2 tutoring appts.
I mailed in the claim form for two prescriptions. I ought to get back about $190. I've also started my 2006 spreadhseet to track medical expenses. We're setting aside the full allowable amount this year in the medical reimbursement plan at DH's work. I was pretty organized with receipts and such last year, but I want to do even better this year. I also want to keep track of over the counter things like contact solution and ibuprofen. It can all be reimbursed through the plan.
Earlier this evening I was feeling lazy and wanted to order out for dinner, or go out, but instead I grabbed stuff out of the freezer and pantry. Another day closer to the end of the month and sticking to our budget.
Posted in
Medical Costs and Reimbursement
January 25th, 2006 at 12:51 am
I got my Rite Aid rebate today, so I'm adding $14.50 to my challenge total. I've decided to pay more attention to the rebates at Longs and Rite Aid, and if there is something on the list that we need anyway, I'll get it and add the rebates to my total here.
Previous total: $38.66
Current total: $53.16
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 24th, 2006 at 03:09 pm
My current total is $38.66. Income thus far has come from sales at half.com and saving virtual change - rounding up credit card purchases and moving the difference over to my challenge savings account. I spent 90 cents listing some things for sale, so any proceeds there will be added to my challenge balance (I don't have high hopes, but you never know...)
At month's end I'll add in AdSense revenue that isn't from DivaTribe, as well as interest earned on my challenge savings.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 23rd, 2006 at 09:20 pm
Money saved today:
1. used gift card for coffee
2. breakfast and lunch at home
3. invited tonight for dinner at friends' - I'll put together a salad with what we already have here at home
4. used the library to pick up some new (to me) books
5. will go to employee sale at DH's work to look for good (great!) deals on gifts for family and friends. We've done this for two years now, and we get some amazing prices on high quality things.
6. carpooled
Money earned today:
None, but listed a few items for sale at etsy to try and build a little more seed money.
Posted in
January 22nd, 2006 at 09:00 pm
We went out to breakfast this morning and were pleasantly surprised when one of the others offered to treat us. We offered to pay, but he insisted. It was a very nice surprise.
Went to a potluck last night. We brought a layered bean dip and tortilla chips. We had refried beans and cheese already, so I bought some salsa, sour cream, avocados, and chips. It was easy to make, vegetarian, and yummy too.
DD's birthday is coming up. We have tickets to Swan Lake as a 'big' present for her birthday and mine, but we're going to do a low-key party for her and some friends. I'm planning on making cupcakes this year, and we're hoping to have the party outside at a park, if the weather will cooperate.
Groceries: $230.25 (goal = $300)
Dining: $113.78 (goal = $160)
Posted in
Saving Money on Food,
General Musings
January 22nd, 2006 at 08:00 am
I listed two more books last nght and sold one of them already for four dollars. I'll add the money in once I get it from half.com, and I'll subtract out the postage once I've sent the book on its way.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 21st, 2006 at 12:07 am
Money saved today:
1. Coffee and breakfast at home
2. Took lunch to work
3. Will eat dinner at home
Money earned today:
1. 2.5 hours of work
We did a big grocery run at Trader Joe's last night to the tune of about $120. We are well-stocked now. We have about $100 left in the budget for groceries for the month, and about $45 left for dining out, I think. I'll look at those totals over the weekend.
I put in another two and a half hours of work this morning. Had lunch, went for a walk, and then checked back in after lunch to see if there were any more jobs for me to do. There weren't, so I went home early.
Posted in
January 19th, 2006 at 10:56 pm
I put in about 4 hours today, and by and large the day went well. I still have some things to learn about their system, but I'm catching on pretty quickly. It is easy work, but the time passed rapidly. Got in a nice 35 minute walk as well at lunch. 
Money savings today:
1. coffee and breakfast at home
2. carpooled
3. took lunch to work
Money earned today:
1. 4+ hours of work
Posted in
January 19th, 2006 at 03:10 am
Money saving today -
1. All three meals at home
2. Coffee at home
3. Carpooled
Money earned -
1. 2 tutoring appointments
I start my contract work tomorrow - wish me luck!
Quick spending check-in:
Groceries: $101.43 (goal = $300)
Dining: $102.64 (goal = $160)
Posted in
January 18th, 2006 at 08:00 am
Payment coming from half.com: $9.20
Maileed book: -$2.07
Current total: $34.80
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 17th, 2006 at 04:13 am
We didn't get popsicle sticks at the 99 Cent Store, but we did find them at Michaels. I did get some good deals on some other things while we were out - thank you cards for a dollar a pack, lots of stickers for a Valentines party I'm helping with, rubber stamps at a dollar apiece for said party, a set of four placemats and four coasters for my mom for 99 cents, and more.
I started to buy some yarn to make a poncho for myself, but I put it back. I have plenty of yarn here to work through, and I really don't need a new poncho at this point in time.
Posted in
January 16th, 2006 at 08:09 pm
DD and I are going to take a walk down to the 99 cent store and see if we can get popsicle sticks there. She wants to try and build a house out of them. I don't know if we'll find any, but it's worth a look. I need to go for a walk today anyway, so this takes care of two things at once.
I found a good source online for one of the yarns I like to use - free shipping and no sales tax!
Money savings today:
1. Walking instead of driving - good exercise too
2. Coffee, breakfast and lunch at home
3. DH took lunch to work
Posted in
January 16th, 2006 at 04:01 pm
Dh and I spent a couple of hours last night filling out the financial aid forms for DD's school, in the hopes of qualifying for something next year. It was a pint, but it would have been SO much worse had we not been keeping track of things like medical expenses, savings, business expenses, etc etc, as well as keeping important papers in one easy to find place. I turned it all in this morning and am VERY glad to be done with it.
I've decided that when I do buy a latte, I'm going to use the Vons Starbucks whenever I can. When you buy 7 drinks, you get your 8th drink free. So that means 8 lattes for $18.20, or $2.27 each, for a savings of 33 cents per latte. Not much, but why not take advantage of it if I can?
I sent in for my Rite Aid rebate this morning. That'll be $14.50. I will add it to my challenge account once it gets here.
Groceries: $92.32 (goal = $300)
Dining: $75.69 (goal = $160)
Posted in
January 14th, 2006 at 08:00 am
"Change" from credit card last 7 days: $3.71 (if we use it today I'll update, but I don't think we will.)
1/8-1/14: $3.71
Current total: $27.67
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 13th, 2006 at 08:00 am
I sold a book today for $8 and sent in for Rite Aid rebates in the amount of $14.50. I'll update my total once the money is in my possession.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 11th, 2006 at 09:41 pm
Dh and I have talked about going to rechargeable batteries, so I took advantage of Rite Aid's rebate this month and bought the charger and an extra set of 4 AA batteries. Picked up a 4-pack of lip balms in fruity scents for DD while I was there, as she has been having big problems with chapped lips lately.
I got a recipe for a lentil stew from a friend that I want to try soon. Maybe I'll make it tonight, if I have everything I need. I don't want to go to the store today.
The job is a done deal. I'll sign the contract later today and start Monday. 
Money earned today:
45 minutes tutoring
Money saved:
2 rebate purchases
Coffee, breakfast and lunch at home
Posted in
January 11th, 2006 at 03:02 am
Spending today:
$5 for lunch at DD's school
$1.95 for snack
$2.60 for latte
$32+ for gas
$4.25 at 99 cent store for TP and shower gel
Had a migraine come on last night that Maxalt helped tame. Have another one tonight that doesn't seem to be budging. 
I went over our budget last night, updating things based on last year's numbers and this year's projected income. Still need to finalize things.
I may have a parttime, short-term job starting up soon. It's pretty likely, but no contract has been signed yet. It would be doing pretty basic web site maintenance for a company here in town, as a contractor. They pay ought to be pretty good. Hopefully my available hours will work for them.
Posted in
Medical Costs and Reimbursement
January 9th, 2006 at 06:34 pm
Money saving today:
1. coffee at home
2. carpooling
3. breakfast and lunch at home
4. I think DH took his lunch to work
5. line dried a load of laundry
Dh and I spent a good two hours, maybe more, working out back yesterday. Raking, trimming, pulling weeds - it was a lot of work. We aren't done, and now it's super windy here again today, which means for leaves, twigs and branches falling. Oh well.
I got a ride home from a meeting yesterday after church, so DH and I didn't need to take two cars to church, and he and DD didn't have to wait around for me for an hour+ afterwards.
Edited to add that we had dinner at home(another savings), but DH didn't take lunch to work. He'll take it tomorrow instead, I think.
Groceries: $36.08
Dining: $47.84
Posted in
January 8th, 2006 at 08:00 am
I'm going to go through purchases each week instead, for now. More instant gratification, I guess.
1/1-1/7: $3.96
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 7th, 2006 at 04:12 pm
Groceries: $0
Dining out: $23.28
If groceries come in under $300 or dining out comes in under $160, I'll move the difference over to the ING account, so that we really are saving that money. We're due for a trip to the grocery store so that will go up today or tomorrow.
It's been nice having a Starbucks gift card. My parents gave me one for $25 for Christmas. I have been twice since receiving it, once with DD and once by myself. That in and of itself is something - two trips in 12 days. We've been drinking more of our coffee at home, and I made tea to bring with me to ballet one afternoon this week. Sometimes it's just having something warm to drink. I can remember when I was teaching, there would be days where I'd have a hot cup of coffee in the morning that I would sort of carry around and nurse a bit, but drink maybe half of. A security coffee cup, I guess. 
I met with two other families yesterday from school to work out a more detailed carpooling plan. IIRC, I'm not making more than one round trip any days now. It was a bit of a logistical puzzle, trying to juggle booster seats, kids who start earlier/stay later, siblings in preschool, cars that don't hold all of the kids, who's going to be up there all day anyway, etc. But we worked out a plan for January that feels fair and gives everyone a break on driving to a certain extent. The three of us worked out afternoons, and then the woman I have been carpooling with stayed and worked out mornings with me.
Posted in
January 7th, 2006 at 03:12 am
1. all three meals at home
2. coffee paid for by a Starbucks gift card from Christmas
3. carpooled
Went to the yarn shop today and bought only what I went for, which is not always an easy task. The shop I go to gives a $25 store credit every time you spend $275. It's a nice perk, and her prices aren't inflated to compensate, either.
Posted in
January 6th, 2006 at 08:00 am
An idea inspired by the change jar thread - I am going to go through my CC purchases and round them up to the nearest dollar, moving the difference to my ING challenge account. I don't spend a lot of cash, so my change jar doesn't fill up nearly as much as it used to. Tthis way I can still reap those benefits.
How often to go through purchases...I think I'll do it the 15th and the last day of the month.
Posted in
$20 Challenge
January 5th, 2006 at 04:04 pm
I've decided to check out rebates for Longs and Rite Aid in my area this month and decide if the prices just on things we need and would buy anyway do indeed save us some money. I may go out and check things out later today.
Money saving planned for today:
1. coffee at home
2. lunch at home
3. dinner at home (used up lots of leftovers last night, so I need to plan something for tonight)
4. paid two bills online (saved 74 cents in postage and the paper to write two checks)
5. will crochet during ballet today, rather than going out and inevitably buying something
Things I still need to take care of -
1. check insurance on Miata and find out if we can get it reduced
2. return a bottle of fish oil capsules - need to track down receipt first
Edited to add -
When all was said and done, I only bought one rebate item today. I registered my receipt as soon as I got home.
Posted in
January 5th, 2006 at 04:57 am
Some December food totals:
Groceries: $434.64
Dining Out: $208.59
TOTAL: $643.23
Wow. Can you tell there was a lot of food spending going on surrounding the holidays? Potluck dinner at school, took both sets of grandparents out to eat after The Nutcracker, hosted Christmas dinner here, made dinner for friends for New Year's Eve, went to Disneyland and had dinner at Downtown Disney...
I'd like the total to come in around $460 this month. So far I've spent $2.15. I don't know what DH has spent.
As an aside, DH and I still need to look at numbers and up the 401k contribution. We upped it a bit after his raise, but we could stand to increase it some more, which would be the wise thing to do.
Posted in
Saving Money on Food
January 4th, 2006 at 09:51 pm
1. skipped coffee/tea while out - drank water (mine) with my purchased muffin
2. lunch at home
3. will make dinner at home
4. used media rate to mail a book
5. mailed two more cards at 37 cent rate
6. went for a walk as part of my migraine maintenance program - fewer migraines means less money spent on meds!
7. made one round-trip drive to DD's school instead of two - saved about 32 miles of driving
money earned today -
1. 45 minutes of tutoring
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